Symfonie Investments
In the search for higher portfolio returns and reduced risk investors are constantly looking for new market segments and new strategies to exploit. Alternative investment strategies offered by Symfonie help achieve both return and diversification goals. High growing innovative financial products allow us to leverage our resources for investment outside the traditional financial sphere. Our goal is to provide our unique clients opportunity to diversify and to earn higher returns to traditional equity and fixed income investments.
Our Current Investments Opportunities
Symfonie Angel Venture Fund
- Diversified portfolio of innovative high growing companies
- Active, value-added portfolio managament style
- Managed by successful investors and entrepreneurs
- Extensive research and due diligence
- Regular monthly reporting and updates
- Target exit horizon 3-5 years
High Income Debt Investments
- Diversified portfolio of innovative high yield instruments
- Managed by professionals with proven track records
- Tailored investment strategy that best suits your needs
- Research and risk management driven process
- Regular payments of principal and interests
- Regular reports about portfolio performance
Symfonie Tailored Investments
- Quality investments hand-picked by portfolio managers
- Portfolio aligned with your investments goals
- Unique portfolio of innovative high returns investments
- Flexible investments alongside professional investors
- Diversified portfolio of debt and equity products
- Regular reports and updates about your portfolio
Who Should Invest With Us
- You have long term investment goals
- You are willing to accept risk in exchange for the prospect of high returns
- You want a diversified portfolio
- You want fixed income investments focused on high yield bonds and peer to peer loans
- You want equity investments focused on blue chip, dividend paying companies
- You make private investments in innovative, fast growing companies
- You want to co-invest along side professional angel investors and entrepreneurs
- You want an investment manager who does extensive research and due diligence
- You want to know all the time where your money is invested, what fees has been charged and how your investments have performed
- You want control over how your money is invested
If this is what you look for in an investment management firm, contact us.